A Christ-Centered Weekend, Just for the Girls
What is Radiant?
Radiant is a retreat that gives young women a chance to escape from the pressures of teenage life and spend a weekend in the presence of the on who provides identity, radiance, and beauty; Jesus Christ. We believe that there is great value in young women hearing teaching from female leaders. Young women who come to Radiant will leave feeling refreshed, confident, free, beautiful, and valued.
Speaker Info

Speaker: Hannah Hall
Hillary Atkinson has been in ministry for five years. She serves as the director of operations at Foundation Church, near Tulsa, Oklahoma. She loves teaching God’s Word, especially to women and teenagers, and helping them see their identity in Christ. Outside of work, you can find Hillary on a hike, eating tacos, or being Aunt Hill to her nieces and friends' kids. She also spends a lot of her free time studying and writing papers, pursuing a master’s of divinity at Denver Seminary.
Worship Band Info

Worship Band: TBA
When is Radiant?
February 20th – 22nd, 2025
Who is Radiant for?
Girls 6th grade – 12th grade
How much does it cost?
- The cost is $119 per person, including a $35 non-refundable deposit
- Cost includes meals, lodging, and activities
What does a typical schedule look like?
6:00 PM. Arrival, Check-In & Open Rec
8:00 PM Opening Worship Service
9:30 PM Group Time
10:00 PM Dessert in The Hub (Kiosk Open)
11:00 PM Flush & Brush
11:30 PM Lights Out
8:00 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM Quiet Time
9:00 AM Morning Worship
10:30 AM Group Time
11:15 AM Morning Activity
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Breakout Session 1
2:05 PM Breakout Session 2
2:40 PM Breakout Session 3
3:30 PM Free Time (Kiosk Open)
5:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Evening Worship
8:30 PM Group Time
9:30 PM Pajama Party in Dining Hall (Kiosk Open)
11:00 PM Flush & Brush
11:30 PM Lights Out
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Morning Worship
10:30 AM Load & Leave
What should they bring?
- Shirts (short/long sleeve, weather dependent)
- Pants
- Shorts
- Socks
- Underwear
- Tennis Shoes
- Raincoat
- Sleeping Bag or Twin Sheets & Blanket
- Pillow
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Soap/Shampoo/Conditioner
- Shower Shoes
- Towel
Must Haves:
- Bible
- Notebook
- Pen or Pencil
Please do not bring:
- Music Players
- Handheld Gaming Devices
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Recreational Drugs
- Firearms
- Knives
- Fireworks
- Two-piece swimsuits (gals)
- Speedo swimsuits (guys)
- Pets