
GaGa Ball
Gaga ball may be the perfect camp game. It is competitive, fun, a lot of campers can play at once, and it resets quickly. Gaga is played in a large fenced-in octagon called a gaga pit. A player who is hit by the ball or breaks a rule is eliminated and must leave the game. Players may not “hit” the ball twice in a row, and a player who causes the ball to leave the pit is out. When the ball is caught in the air on a fly, the last person to hit the ball is out. Gaga ball is available in all seasons.

9 Square In The Air
If you love four square, then you will love 9 square in the air. This new twist on four square elevates the squares and adds squares so that more people participate. The game moves quickly so participants move from the entry square to the center square. The goal is to dominate the center square for as many rounds as you can. 9 Square is available during all seasons.

Bouldering (Offsite)
Camp staff will take a group of student campers to the Upward Ninja Gym, where they will have the chance to take indoor beginner rock climbing walls. Max group size is 20 people. Call the camp office to sign up: 479-250-1865

Kajabi Kan Kan
Kajabi Kan Kan is one of our marquee games at Camp Siloam. Kajabi Kan Kan is an individual tug of war game played most often as a tournament in the evening at camp. Kajabi is a combination of hand strength and agility. Participants, separated by a short rope, work to pull their opponent into a 55-gallon trash can. If you let go of the rope or hit the can, you are out.

Played in an octagonal pit, Soctoball is essentially 3v3 soccer, possessing many of the same rules. Soctoball is sometimes played as a tournament but will often be played during open recreation.

Bazooka Ball
Bazooka Ball is essentially Nerf paintball. If you enjoy paintball, but hate the sting, then you will enjoy Bazooka ball. Paintball guns are modified to fit a golf-ball sized nerf ball. The balls shoot approximately 100 feet. Bazooka ball requires less protective gear and tends to be more comfortable to play during the summertime. Games are organized by staff, with up to 30 participants per round. Bazooka ball is primarily a summer activity, but can be requested by retreat groups.

Kayaking (Offsite)
For an additional fee of $5/person, student campers will have the opportunity to go kayaking this summer! Float trips will be scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons and are possible through a partnership between Camp Siloam and Gypsy Camp & Canoe. Call the camp office to sign up: 479-250-1865

Archery is an activity conducted under the supervision of trained staff members. Mostly it is open recreation and skill development for the individual. However, there are tournaments during the summer. Archery is primarily a summer activity, but can be requested by retreat groups.

Hatchet Throwing
Hatchet throwing is a target sport that has gained more popularity outside of the lumberjack community in recent years. Campers can hone their throwing skills during free recreation or as a part of a tournament. Hatchet throwing is a supervised activity during summer camp and can be requested by retreat groups.

BB Guns
The BB Gun target range is set up each summer for campers to shoot at a variety of targets in a small range in the target sports area. BB guns are a supervised activity during the summer and are popular among elementary age campers. BB guns are primarily a summer activity, but can be requested by retreat groups.

The game where close counts! Get a ringer or a leaner on one of our four pits on the front lawn of Cedar Hall. Two to four people can play at each pit. Tournaments can easily be set up for summer camp or guest groups. However, the games are mostly used for recreational play during open recreation times.

Basketball tournaments are some of our most popular competitions at Camp Siloam. Camp Siloam has four half court basketball courts. Two of the courts have eight-foot rims for dunking. Recreational half-court basketball games and tournaments are available every summer. Basketball is available during summer camp and retreat seasons.

Disc Golf
Interested in a low-key rec activity to play with a couple of youth? Frisbee golf is the perfect game to play with people you want to spend some intentional time with. Our course is an 18-hole course with multiple types of discs to check out. Frisbee golf does not require any supervision to play, and is available during all seasons.

Camp Siloam has a large 180,000 gallon swimming pool with a diving board and water basketball. The trapezoidal shape of the pool provides lots of room for shallow end activities and games. Camp Siloam provides lifeguards in the summertime. For retreats, the pool is available with lifeguards or swim at your own risk.

Water Slide
The waterslides are two Zoom Flume slides set on the hillside at the west end of camp. Two different lengths of slide provide a thrill for two types of daring campers. Each slide has a “landing area” filled with water that stops a camper. Campers wait on a staircase specifically built for the slides. Often the slides are popular enough that it is a bit of a wait to slide during the summer. The slides are supervised by four summer staff members. The slides are only available during the summer.

Pickle Ball
Pickle ball is a fast-paced action tennis game that doesn’t require as much movement as traditional tennis. Pickle ball is an easy game to learn and quickly be competitive. Pickle ball can be played by singles or doubles, and is available during all seasons.

Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts is offered under a giant circus tent at Camp Siloam. Each summer, our college staff come up with a variety of arts and crafts that are available to campers during free time. Arts and Crafts are only available during summer camp.

Sand Volleyball
Camp Siloam has two lighted sand volleyball courts for competitive volleyball games and tournaments. Each summer, there is a co-ed beach volleyball tournament among churches. Awards are given to the championship church at the end of the week. In the evening, the courts are lit for volleyball, Nuke’m or a variety of fun volleyball-type games.

For the camper who enjoys both soccer and billiards, Snookball is the perfect combination. This is a slow-moving strategic game that plays like billiards, but uses your feet. The court is a poured concrete “table” with astroturf. Two to six players can play a variety of billiard-like games.

Little Beaver Creek
Hanging out in the creek is one of the favorite activities of our elementary school campers. Bubbling up in five springs around Camp Siloam, the creek forms near our pools and runs down through camp tumbling over a small waterfall and pouring in and out of medium sized pool. The creek is loaded with crayfish, minnows, frogs, and mudpuppies. Walking the creek and catching creek life is one of our campers’ top activities. Parents should pack extra shoes or adventure sandals.

Carpetball is a quick setting table game that resets in a matter of minutes. Four long and narrow carpetball tables in the Rec. Shack are constantly full during the summer time with campers vying to stay the longest on the table. Each player has four billiard balls and a “shooting ball.” The winner is the last one with a ball on the table. It is an easy game to learn but harder to master.

Ping Pong/Jungle Pong
Camp Siloam’s Rec Shack has a Ping Pong table for the traditional version of the game or Jungle Pong. In Jungle Pong, many players can jump in on this fast-paced and high-concentration game. Participants have a number and they must play the ping-pong ball in sequence with the other players. If you miss your turn or you can’t return the ball you’re out. This game requires a lot of agility and is tons of fun.

Rock Climbing (Offsite)
Outdoor Climbing takes place at a local climbing site at Lincoln Lake. Camp Siloam provides the staff and necessary equipment for campers to have an outdoor climbing experience on real rock. The maximum group size is 15 participants, including at least 1 church leader. Call the camp office to sign up: 479-250-1865

Low Ropes Course
The low ropes course is intended for a church group who may want to work on a variety of group dynamics. Leadership development, personal responsibility, communication, and trust are among the many group dynamics that our low ropes course experience can target. Group sessions on the course are facilitated by our summer staffers who care about your church group. Church group signups are required. Call the camp office to sign up: 479-250-1865

Rock Climbing (Offsite)
Outdoor Climbing takes place at a local climbing site called Mt. Fitzgerald. Camp Siloam provides the staff and necessary equipment for campers to have an outdoor climbing experience on real rock. The maximum group size is 15 participants, including at least 1 church leader.

Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is played at open rec on one of our lighted fields or during some summers, as a tournament. Ultimate Frisbee is a combination of football and frisbee. It’s a game for those who like to run and those who love frisbee. Competitive games are a blast on our east rec field. The rec fields are always available for Ultimate Frisbee games.
First Time At Camp
Camp Siloam is for campers who have completed 3rd-12th grade. Children camps are for campers who have completed 3rd-6th grade (Children campers). Student camps are for campers who have completed 6th-12th grade (Student campers). However, church leaders may direct campers who have completed the 6th grade to either the Children or Student programs. Campers in the first summer after high school graduation are welcome to come to camp as Student campers.
Families accompanying a church group may bring children who have not completed the 3rd grade (infants, toddlers, mini-campers) and enjoy camp while staying in our family housing (if it is available). In order to provide the best experience possible for our campers, we ask that you not bring infants, toddlers and mini-campers to the worship services.
When should I attend camp?
The camp has 3 different types of weeks designed to meet the needs of a variety of churches. Two weeks of the summer are Combined Weeks; meaning children campers and student campers can come to camp at the same time. These weeks benefit churches that have limited volunteers to chaperone children and student campers on separate weeks. Four Children Weeks (completed 3th-6th grades) and three Student Weeks (6th-12th grades) are offered throughout the summer. During these weeks, the entire camp is focused on those age groups. These weeks benefit churches that have the volunteer resources to be able to focus on a specific age group.
How does registration work?
The registration process is a two part process. Churches register first and then invite the families of their church to register. Parents and guardians sign up their children to come to camp with the church.
Where will the campers sleep?
Church groups stay together (separated by gender) in a bunkhouse for the whole week. Each bunkhouse has 24 beds and a bathroom with 3 showers, 3 toilets and 3 sinks. All of our bunkhouses are Air Conditioned. Camp Siloam is working to make facilities ADA accessible; however most of the facilities are not ADA accessible at this time.
At Camp Siloam counselors are volunteers and/or youth leaders who come with a church group to camp. The role of a counselor is to shepherd campers through the camp week; leading group discussion after worship services, participating in games, and making sure campers are at activities, meals and worship services.
Who are the staff?
Camp Siloam administration hires around 85 college students to operate camp during the summer. We screen and hire students at regional colleges who have a passion for youth ministry, are positive role models for youth, and are gifted in the specific jobs we have available at camp. Camp Siloam staffers cook, clean, act, sing, dance, cheer, shout, play, conduct the worship and lead games. Camp staffers stay in separate staff housing from the campers.
What happens at camp?
Our goals for summer camp are that kids would experience the love of Jesus Christ, know His Gospel message and learn something new about God. The campers your child comes to camp with are on recreation teams together, they worship together and they process teaching together.
A Day at Camp
A typical camp week runs from Monday afternoon to Friday morning. Camp times may vary slightly, but a typical day at camp looks like the following:
8:00 AM – Breakfast & Cabin Clean Up
8:30 AM – Quiet Time
9:00 AM – Drama and Worship
10:00 AM – Group Time
11:00 AM – Team Recreation
12:30 PM – Lunch
1:30 PM – Free time/Activity Classes
5:30 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM – Worship
8:30 PM – Group Time
9:30 PM – Open Rec
11:00 PM – Lights Out
What clothing should my camper bring to camp?
Campers should generally be prepared for different kinds of weather. There is a creek at camp and some campers may go through a couple pairs of clothing and shoes in a day.
What to Bring to Camp:
- T-Shirts & Shorts
- Long Sleeve Shirts & Pants
- Socks & Underwear
- Adventure Sandals
- Tennis Shoes
- Swimsuit
- Towel
- Rain Jacket / Umbrella
- Sleeping Bag or Twin Sheets & Blanket
- Pillow
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo & Soap
- Shower Shoes
- Towel
- Washcloth
- Flashlight
- Bible
- Notebook
- Pen or Pencil
- Bug Spray
- Sun Screen
Please Do Not Bring:
Handheld Gaming DevicesAlcoholTobaccoRecreational DrugsGunsKnivesFireworks
What about medication?
We have a well-stocked first aid station here at Camp Siloam. If your camper should need any common over-the-counter medications, we are prepared to take care of their needs. Your camper must bring their prescription medications in the original containers as well as a printed, completed and signed copy of the Medication Check In Form, download it by Clicking Here. (It’s okay to send only the number of tablets for the number of days your camper will be with us.) Also send any daily over-the-counter medication that your camper requires on a daily basis. Please place all medicine containers in a big zip-lock bag with your camper’s name and date of birth on it.
Once your camper arrives here, we will gather all medication from the group leader right when they arrive. It’s helpful to not pack your camper’s zip-lock bag in their suitcase, but give it to the leader. Each group handles this a little differently so just check with your leader.
Does my camper need to bring money to camp?
We recommend campers bring $30 to $60 to camp as spending money. Campers can spend their money on snacks & drinks at The Hub or purchase items from the camp store, Two Canoes, via Store Card, cash or credit card.
Each year, Camp Siloam partners with a specific mission organization, campers can also use their money to put toward these missions offering during Thursday night worship.
*Note: At Camp Siloam, lodging, meals, and activities are included in the price of camp. Even a camper who may not be able to have any money in their pocket when they arrive is going to have a great time!
Camp Rules
Check-Out or Leaving Early
Camp ends after the worship service on Friday morning. If a group needs to check-out prior to the end of the worship service, they may check out at the office or with the camp director.
If an individual camper leaves camp early, without his or her group, we must have written permission from the parent/guardian or confirmation from the youth leader at camp that a camper may leave with an individual. If someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up the camper, the letter should indicate the name of that person. A photo ID will be required from the person picking up the camper and a background check may be run on the person.
Cell Phones At Camp
Camp is a place where we believe an individual’s encounter with God is directly proportional to the degree that they leave the “noise” of their culture behind for the week of camp. Please encourage your camper to leave their cell phone at home. Should you need to contact your camper you may contact your church leader, counselor or call the camp office.
Dress Code
The Bible says people are to dress modestly. The intent is to not bring attention to how one looks, but to highlight our walk of faith, love, and pursuit of holiness. Camp Siloam requests each camper, whether a guy or girl, to be humble and modest in the way they dress during camp. Specifically, Camp Siloam requests the following:
- No ‘short shorts.’ Shorts must extend to the campers’ fingertips.
- No spaghetti strap shirs, no racer back tops or visible bras.
- No 2-piece bathing suits for girls, and no speedos for guys. Tankinis are okay if the top overlaps the bottom.
- No deep cut tank tops for guys or gals. No sagging pants or shorts. Tears in jeans should be modest.
- No yoga pants, tights, or leggings worn as pants. If worn, they must also wear shorts and/or a top that extends to or past the fingertips.
- No skater skirts.
Health and Safety
Camp Siloam recognizes that the health and safety of a child while they are away from home is of utmost concern to parents. Camp Siloam will provide as much information as it can about health and safety practices so parents can rest assured their children will be safe at Siloam. For information on our policies regarding emergencies, illnesses, injuries, youth protection, food preparation, food allergies, disbursement of medicines and general camp cleanliness, you may contact the camp office at 479-250-1865.
Camp Siloam is able to keep camp affordable because each church brings adults to camp to act as counselors. Each church is responsible for providing male and female counselors from their church. All counselors must be at least 19 years of age by the date they attend camp and must stay in the bunkhouse with the campers. The counselors will be responsible for transportation, behavior, enforcement of rules and supervising campers while they are at camp. If your church cannot provide counselors, we can provide a staff counselor for $350 for the week. Please notify us at least two weeks in advance if you need a staff counselor.
Disciplinary Action
The camp director reserves the right to reject any registration form and/or send any camper or counselor home whose influence is considered harmful to the best interests of the camp or campers.
Children who have not completed the 3rd grade are welcome at camp, but they cannot stay in the bunkhouses under any circumstances. These children may stay in a cabin with their parents or a parent appointed adult if their parent is serving as a counselor.
Churches will be billed for the removal of graffiti that can be identified to have been produced by a specific camper or church group.
For the safety of the youth during camp, we ask that you not drive through camp when campers are outside. Please park your vehicle between the large worship center and the main gate.
Camp Map
Camp Siloam
3600 S Lincoln St
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Follow Highway US-412 to Siloam Springs. When entering Siloam Springs, take the exit for Highway AR-59 towards Van Buren. Follow S. Lincoln/AR-59 until you see a big arch that says “Camp Siloam” on the right.
It is our desire no camper be turned away due to the price of camp. We want every camper to have the opportunity to come to know Christ and to grow in their relationship. In fact, we see a greater percentage of salvations the campers who receive scholarships to attend Camp Siloam.
Scholarships are designated to assist campers who have financial need. We have removed as many barriers as possible for a camper to receive assistance. Anyone can apply for a scholarship on behalf of a camper, asking for any amount up to the full price of camp. Applications are Available Here.